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Cleanse your body from within, in order to regain your health and improve your vitality. The 7 Day Detox is designed to give the body a break from solid food in order to allow for the digestive system to rest and repair itself, clear out stored toxins, lower inflammation and promote healing.

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With the proper guidance, support and tools, detoxing your body can be a life changing experience! It will bring you healing on a physical but also mental and emotional level. Our goal is to offer you inspiration, support and a detailed step by step plan, based on our personal experience.

With over 50 pages of delicious recipes, day to day menus, shopping lists and lifestyle suggestions to help you succeed, we will help you identify how to make the most of this journey, and stay connected and motivated to your vision.

Sign up to The 7-Day Detox

Get your FREE guide with recipes, tips and support.

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Personalised Coaching Offer

Valid for Only 7-Day Detox Participants

Sign up for a coaching session  – at the special rate of 77 euros for 50 minutes-  in which Elisa will guide you, support you and answer all your questions.

Book Now

“I love the 7-Day Detox. It’s like a reset button for my health. Of all the cleanses and detoxes that I tried over the years this is the first time that I am not hungry, I lose weight and by the third day I feel amazing! By the end of the detox, my eyes and my entire face glow.” - Elisa

To make the most of The 7 Day Detox, download and carefully read the guide and follow our suggestions for preparing yourself, your body and your kitchen for this transformative experience.

Elisa and Lilou both have plenty of advice, tips and recipes on their social channels – so make sure you are following them both on social media.

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Sign up to The 7-Day Detox

Get your FREE guide with recipes, tips and support.

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“This is the best juicing detox I’ve ever done. I feel full of energy, ready to take on my dreams and shine bright!” - Lilou

Become clear of what you desire from this amazing journey and let’s dive in!

About Elisa

Elisa is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA). It took her many years of studying as well as much confusion, going in and out of detox protocols, to find a way of eating and living that supports her health and her wellbeing. Through food and lifestyle changes alone, she was able to heal many health conditions including: eczema, candida, anaemia, gut dysbiosis and food intolerances. Her goal is to support and empower her clients to make an easy transition to a healthier way of eating and living!

About Lilou

It was after meeting American television host Oprah Winfrey in October 2006, in Chicago, that Lilou discovered her vocation. Co-founder and participant of the 100 Days Challenge which she created with two passionate personal and spiritual development friends, Lilou video-blogs her career and shares her encounters during her travels. Lilou broadcasts free inspiring interviews on the internet and organizes events around the world. She also offers more than 500 coaching videos and her books, from inspiring authors as well as yoni eggs on La Librairie de Lilou.